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South Park 060F BODY GASKET (FOR WH76 WRENCH HOLDER) Truck hardware ga

060F Truck hardware gaskets by South Park Corporation.

Other Items.

Model 060F Features Include:
  • South Park Adapter
  • Adapter by South Park Corporation
The Series Misc Features Include:
    Other Items

Common Thread Abbreviations:

  • NH or NST = NH (National Hose) or NST (National Standard Thread), often referred to as "fire hose thread". By far the most common thread in use today by fire departments.
  • NPT = National Pipe Tapered is common in plumbing and some industrial uses.
  • NPSH = IPT = National Pipe Straight Hose or Iron Pipe Thread has the same TPI as NPT but the thread does not taper.

SKUs: 060F

South Park

Part #: 060F
DiW: 0.70
Description: South Park BODY GASKET (FOR WH76 WRENCH HOLDER).
Price: $4.00